The New Lenox Baseball Association is seeking sponsorships for our upcoming 2025 Season! Our organization is home to over 90 spring recreational teams, 40 fall recreational teams, 20 full time travel teams and 7 part time travel teams. In addition to our seasonal play, we also host three tournaments throughout the course of the year.Our Memorial Day Classic is one of the largest tournaments in Illinois hosting over 75 teams and 1,000 families. Funds received from our sponsors go directly to the league and help provide our teams with uniforms and equipment as well as help keep registration fees reasonable for our parents. Your support is greatly appreciated by the many volunteers who help make our Rebels organization successful year after year! Thank you!
Team Sponsorship - $325 Per Team Team Sponsorship includes your company name/logo on the team’s uniform and on NLBA’s website( Sponsorship for a specific division and/or team will be assigned on a first come first serve basis.
Field Sponsorship - $500 Field Sponsorship for 2022. Includes your company name/logo on a 4’ x 6’ banner that will be displayed at one of our 15 fields for 1 season, a Team S p o n s o rs h i p a n d N L BA S p o n s o r P l a q u e . Sponsorship for a specific field will be assigned on a first come first serve basis.
Elite Sponsorship Looking to do our Sponsor Director to discuss custom sponsorship opportunities; i.e. windscreens, dugout screens. Depending on what you want to do will determine the price.
Scott Brady - Sponsor Director
18443 Conlee Dr, Mokena, IL 60448